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9 Lifestyle Tips to Prevent Heart Disease

Heart disease claims over 600,000 lives a year, affecting men and women across cultural and ethnic groups. You can help reduce your risk of heart disease by working on living a healthy life, strengthening your body, and giving it the nutrition it needs. Even seemingly small changes in your lifestyle can have a positive impact on your heart health. 

At Indus Healthcare, with offices located in Pomona, West Covina, and Montclair, California, Dr. Amit Paliwal performs annual physicals during which he can let you know if your heart health is at risk. If so, he can formulate a plan to help you take care of your heart.

Top risk factors for heart disease

Some of the most common risk factors for poor heart health are things you can make changes to by simply altering your lifestyle. They include:

  • Obesity 
  • Poor diet
  • Low activity
  • Smoking 
  • Stress
  • High blood pressure
  • Diabetes

The path to better heart health

Ready to start living a heart-healthy life? Start with these nine tips:

1. Cut red meat

heart-healthy diet starts with cutting down on red meat. Limit beef and pork, and consider meatless meals a few days a week to keep yourself healthier overall.

2. Add lean proteins 

Choose chicken and turkey in small portions, and try looking for protein in dairy or legumes to help substitute for meat. 

3. Check your fat usage

Processed fats like shortening and margarine can be bad for your health, and you should use even more natural fats like lard and butter only in moderation.

4. Choose healthy oils

Cook with olive and grapeseed oil, or canola oil in a pinch. Add healthy fat to your diet in the form of fatty fish, yummy nuts, or wholesome avocado.

5. Start moving

Lack of exercise is bad for you and can lead to obesity. Plan on getting even just 15 minutes a day for a walk, or do some other low-impact aerobic activity. 

6. Quit smoking

According to the CDC, if you smoke, you are 70% more likely to develop heart disease than a non-smoker. Find a program or method that works for you, and make the commitment to quit for the sake of your heart.

7. Limit alcohol

More than three drinks a day is a sign of a problem, and even more than one drink a day can harm your heart health. Make that bottle of wine last a few days, and save the champagne for special occasions. 

8. Watch your blood pressure

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, often shows up as an early prelude to a heart attack. Start taking your BP with a home cuff or at the pharmacy whenever you can, and keep a log so you can learn where your baseline is and what makes your numbers go up or down.

9. Stop stressing

We know, it’s easier said than done. But decreasing stress in your life is good for the whole you, not just your heart health. Set aside even just 15 minutes a day for “you time,” and do something that relaxes you.

Ready to get serious about heart health? Call our location nearest you to book an appointment or send us a message online. We take your heart health to heart.

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