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Chronic Care Management

Indus Healthcare

Primary Care, Integrative Medicine, and Occupational Medicine located in Los Angeles and San Bernardino County

Most men avoid doctors, failing to prioritize their health. Many of the major health risks men face, like colon cancer and heart disease, can be prevented or treated with early diagnosis. Indus Healthcare offers preventive men’s health care at three convenient offices in Southern California: Pomona, West Covina, and Montclair. Call Amit Reenu Paliwal, MD, MBA, MPH, DABFM, and the skilled team today to schedule an appointment or use the online booking tool.

Men's Health Q & A

What are men’s health needs?

Compared to women, men don’t pay enough attention to their health. They’re also more likely to make risky choices, smoke, drink, and avoid the doctor for routine checkups. Many health risks men face are treatable with an early diagnosis, making regular checkups with the doctor essential for men.

Screening tests find diseases like prostate cancer, colon cancer, and heart disease in their early stages. To schedule a checkup, call the practice or use the convenient online scheduling tool today.

What are the most common health conditions affecting men?

Men commonly experience:

Heart disease

Heart disease risk factors that can be controlled include smoking, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and diabetes. Having a family history of heart disease is another risk factor that can’t be controlled. Still, by not smoking and taking steps to manage cholesterol, blood pressure, and sugar, you can minimize risks of developing heart disease.


Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in men — and it’s the most preventable. Since smoking causes 90% of all lung cancers, not smoking can prevent most people from getting lung cancer.

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer men get. Since it often causes no symptoms, it’s imperative to have routine screening tests to detect prostate cancer at the early stages while it is still treatable.

Colon and rectal cancers are common in men, and another type of cancer that doesn’t always have symptoms right away. Colonoscopy screenings can help prevent colon cancer or catch it in its earliest stage when it’s most treatable.


Diabetes prevention involves eating healthy, maintaining a healthy weight, and staying active. Regular visits to your doctor can monitor your glucose (blood sugar) levels and alert you to problems with your sugar before it develops into diabetes.

How often should men see the doctor?

Men should receive physical exams every 1-2 years. During these routine checkups, your doctor will perform the following measurements and screenings:

  • Blood pressure
  • Cholesterol
  • Diabetes
  • Infectious disease
  • Height, weight, and body mass index (BMI)

If any of your screenings indicate potential health concerns, the medical team at Indus Healthcare will recommend additional testing to diagnose the problem and provide treatment. Use the online tool or call the practice to schedule your checkup today.