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When Is it Time for a Prostate Exam?

A prostate exam is the gold standard as an early screening test to look for signs of potential prostate cancer. While a prostate exam doesn’t conclusively rule cancer in or out, an abnormal result means further tests are needed to check for irregular cells.

At Indus Healthcare, with offices in Pomona and West Covina, California, Dr. Amit Paliwal provides a range of men’s health care services, including prostate exams. 

When is it time for a prostate exam?

It’s generally accepted that men should have their first prostate exam at age 50. However, there are some exceptions that can affect at what age you should get your first prostate exam.

Exam at age 45

Men who are between the ages of 45 and 50 and are Black or have a first-degree relative (such as a brother or father) diagnosed with prostate cancer before the age of 65, are advised to have their first screening at age 45.

Exam at age 40

Men at extremely high risk for prostate cancer, such as Black men with at least one first-degree relative who was diagnosed with cancer at an early age, or any other man with two or more first-degree relatives diagnosed at an early age, are advised to have their first prostate exam at age 40.  

Prostate exam basics

prostate exam typically includes two steps:

  1. A PSA blood test to measure the level of prostate-specific antigen in your blood 
  2. A digital rectal exam (DRE) to manually feel for any tissue irregularities or swelling

We take a small blood sample and have it analyzed for the PSA portion of the exam. During the digital rectal exam portion, Dr. Paliwal carefully inserts a gloved finger into your rectum to feel the edges and surface of your prostate gland and check for any abnormalities.

You don’t have to prepare for a prostate exam, but tell us if you have hemorrhoids, anal tearing, or anal fissures, so we can take extra measures to prevent discomfort.

What happens if results are “abnormal”

If Dr. Paliwal feels abnormal tissue or swelling of your prostate during the DRE, or if your prostate antigen levels are high, you may need further prostate screening. The next step is usually a prostate biopsy, which uses a tiny sample of tissues from the prostate that the lab examines for abnormal cell growth. 

When to contact your health care provider

If you’re 50 (or younger but at higher risk) and haven’t had your first prostate exam yet, you need to set up an appointment with us.  Don’t be embarrassed; we do these exams every day and will make you as comfortable and relaxed as possible while Dr. Paliwal quickly completes the DRE.

To get a prostate exam, call the Indus Healthcare office closest to you, or book an appointment using our discreet online form.

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