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What to Expect during My Annual Physical

Is it that time of year again? If you got an annual physical last summer, it’s time to make your next appointment. If it’s been longer than a year, you should make this a priority. Annual physicals can be a great way to help safeguard your health. 

Dr. Amit Reenu Paliwal provides annual physicals to patients of all ages at Indus Healthcare. He has three offices, in Pomona, West Covina, and Montclair, California. Each location is equipped to hand adult and pediatric physicals, as well as additional testing that might be required for seniors.

Basics of an annual physical

An annual physical is a comprehensive health exam designed to help keep you from developing health issues. A physical can encompass various screenings, tests, and immunizations. 

Like most preventive services, annual physicals are typically covered by your health insurance policy. It’s much less costly to run some tests and have a checkup once a year to find problems in early stages than to become ill and need a higher level of interventional treatment.

Your physical at Indus Healthcare will include:

Health history

Your annual physical will start with a few questions. Dr. Paliwal takes a full medical history and family history, and reviews any existing health conditions. He asks about your lifestyle, diet, and any medications or supplements you take. He also makes a note of your age, weight, and height. 

Physical exam

Dr. Paliwal will do a hands-on physical examination. This can include listening to your heart and lungs, looking in your eyes and ears, checking your reflexes, and palpating your abdomen. Depending on patient age and gender, he may perform other physical checks, such as a pelvic exam.

Tests and screenings

We also check your blood pressure and heart rate, and may need urine and blood samples to run basic tests. Results can show if you’re at risk for elevated blood glucose levels (an early sign of diabetes) or high cholesterol, among other things. 

If you’re a woman, Dr. Paliwal may do a Pap smear and order a mammogram. If you’re a man, you may need a prostate exam. Based on your age, gender, and family history, we may order more screenings to check for signs of things like colorectal cancer or osteoporosis.


Children may need a shot or two to keep up with their recommended vaccine schedule. Adults also may need booster shots. Dr. Paliwal will check your immunization records and let you know if you need any boosters. Common immunizations include influenza, hepatitis A and B, shingles, and tetanus. If it’s flu season, you can get your flu shot to protect yourself and your family. If you are planning to travel internationally, ask if there are additional vaccinations you should be getting.   

Preventive care

Once your annual physical is complete and all of your test and screening results are back, Dr. Paliwal can sit down with you and discuss your ongoing health. If you have any borderline issues, such as a tendency to gain weight or a case of prediabetes, he’ll help you make a plan to improve your health over the course of the upcoming year.  

If you haven’t had an annual physical in the past 12 months, it’s time to make an appointment. To schedule your annual physical with Dr. Paliwal, call the location closest to you or send us a message online today.

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